“What’s Your Transportation Story?” Campaign Outreach Toolkit

The Moving Maine Network is collecting transportation stories from people across Maine. We want to hear from as many Mainers as possible – especially people who can’t drive or struggle to afford transportation. Your help to spread the word is greatly appreciated! We’ve prepared the following materials for partners like you to use in promoting our campaign. For questions, please email us at info@movingmaine.org. Thank you again for your help!

Use these materials to help promote the campaign!

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Use this text to help promote the campaign!

[SUBJECT] What’s Your Transportation Story?

Do you have a story about how transportation challenges are affecting your life? Many people in Maine face challenges getting where they need to go. This could be feeling unsafe wheeling or walking, struggling to get rides or car repairs, or facing problems with the transportation services they use.

The Moving Maine Network is collecting stories from people across Maine to educate decision-makers about transportation barriers and increase their support for solutions. 

Share your story! You have three options:

To help spread the word, check out the campaign’s outreach toolkit.

For questions, please email info@movingmaine.org.